Real sense d435
I can't calibrate the camera. I can't find any software for windows 10 that allows me to do 3d scans with this product.
what can i use? thank you
Hi Mprnervi You can calibrate a 400 Series camera in Windows using the Dynamic Calibration tool or the On-Chip calibration that is built into the RealSense Viewer tool and can be found under the More option of its side-panel.
The Dynamic Calibration tool can be downloaded for Windows from the link below.
In regard to creating a 3D scan, a free way to do this is to generate a pointcloud in the 3D mode of the RealSense Viewer and then export the pointcloud from the Viewer as a .ply pointcloud data file and import it into a 3D modelling tool such as the free open-source MeshLab. The link below has a guide for creating and exporting a ply in the Viewer and then importing it into MeshLab and generating a solid 3D mesh model.
There are also professional commercial 3D scanning tools that are compatible with 400 Series cameras. Some D435-compatible examples are:
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