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d455 firmware change bricked the camera



  • MartyG

    Hi Vjbirds  You mentioned in the case that you linked to that you tried to use rs-fw-update in its Recovery mode (-r) to restore the camera.  The command used in that case was rs-fw-update -r -f Signed_Image_UVC_5_12_12_100.bin

    Did you use this firmware version or a different firmware .bin file when using the command, please?  If a different firmware, which one did you use?

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  • Vjbirds

    Yes, I used that exact version of the firmware.


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  • MartyG

    It looks as though the firmware update command is not reacting in the way that the documentation of rs-fw-update (below) suggests that it should be.



    Are you using the official 1 meter USB cable supplied with the camera or a longer USB cable of your own choice?

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  • Vjbirds

    Yes, I'm using the original cable. And I know it's working because camera was working before the firmware update.

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  • MartyG

    In the Device Manager, did you try uninstalling the Unknown USB Device entry by right-clicking on it and selecting Uninstall device, and then unplugging and re-inserting the camera? 

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  • Vjbirds

    Yes, after restarting and connecting the camera again, the Unknown USB device appears again.

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  • MartyG

    It does appear that this camera may be a "bricked" device, in which case it may be best dealt with via a private support ticket as you suggested in your original message on the other case that you posted on.  Though I am an Intel RealSense Support Engineer, I am not a member of this Intel RealSense Customer Support forum's staff (I am on a different RealSense support team) and so cannot myself handle issues on this forum that potentially involve a camera return / replace. 

    I would therefore recommend creating another new case on this forum to explain that the camera is not detectable and that you would like to request a support ticket with an Intel RealSense Customer Support forum team member, posting links to the previous case and this one to illustrate that the issue has been carefully explored already and not yet resolved.  Your issue should then get picked up by a team member of this forum.

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  • Vjbirds

    Thanks MartyG. I'm standing by for the follow up.

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  • MartyG

    Thanks very much.  Please create another new issue for that support ticket request using the New Post button on the forum front page.  Good luck!

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