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Labview myrio library support for intel realsense 415



  • MartyG

    Hi Chantrapornchai  The RealSense LabVIEW wrapper is designed for Windows 10.  I am not aware of any cases where it has been run on Linux, though a RealSense team member who was once asked if it could run on RT Linux thought that it was possible in principle if the .so library was compiled and wrapped in Linux.

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  • Chantrapornchai

    So, if there were attempts to compile using MyRIO  C/C++ toolkit successfully.

    I see from the readme github that the source code is compilable for Ubuntu Linux?


    Thanks for a quick reply


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  • MartyG

    In terms of librealsense, .so will typically refer to a package installation of the librealsense SDK rather than a source code compilation of it.



    The link below has a National Instruments tutorial for calling .so (Shared Object) files in regard to LabVIEW.

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  • Chantrapornchai

    Thanks for the reply.

    Is there any direct downloadable .so  link ?



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  • MartyG

    I am not aware of a direct download link. 

    My understanding is that if the librealsense SDK is built from source code instead of installed from packages then the file will be located in the /usr/local/lib/ directory after the SDK has been built.

    Instructions for building the SDK from source code can be found here:

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  • Chantrapornchai

    Hi, if I am not wrong ,the  sdk install  ubuntu does not have the .so supported for MyRIO architecture. We cannot use sudo apt-get on MyRIO.

    And if we compile from source, the instruction is only for Linux Ubuntu.



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  • MartyG

    If you build from source code with the RSUSB backend method then you can build for a range of different flavors of Linux.  An RSUSB build of librealsense bypasses the Linux kernel and so is not dependent on Linux versions or kernel versions and does not require kernel patching.  It is a useful installation method for exotic hardware such as industrial computing devices, for non-Ubuntu flavors of Linux or for situations where kernel conflicts are occurring.


    A quick method of building from source code with RSUSB's predecessor the libuvc backend can be found at the link below.


    For the RSUSB method, this can be performed by adding the build term -DFORCE_RSUSB_BACKEND=true to the CMake build instruction.  For example:



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  • Chantrapornchai

    Hi I got .so file using RSSUB already. I put it to /usr/local/lib in myRIO.

    When I deploy RS3 example,

     RealSense for Labview ver. 2.33 example in Myrio, I get this error:


    Deploying libRealSense3.lvlib:rs3 wait for frames4.vilibRealSense3.lvlib:rs3 wait for loaded with errors on the target and was closed.


    Any hint will be appreciated.



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  • MartyG

    The link below suggests that if the loaded with errors on the target and was closed error occurs when using a real-time target than the VI may need to be forcibly recompiled.

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