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T265 realsense broken



  • Yu-Chern Peh

    Hi Alberto18 90,

    The T265 camera's components such as the fisheye camera lens must be covered to minimize dust, humidity and personal contact such as fingers to lens. This is especially important for the fisheye camera sensor where distortion can significantly affect performance. Distortion or reduced light sensitivity can make it difficult to track motion optically. 

    Yu Chern
    Intel Customer Support

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  • Alberto18 90

    What would be your advise? Buy a new camera?


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  • Yu-Chern Peh

    Hi Alberto18 90,


    For your information, Intel RealSense T265 Camera has been discontinued.

    You can refer here for more information.


    The suggested alternatives for T265 are D455 and D435i. These cameras include an IMU, which is necessary for SLAM and tracking applications. Additionally, they require using 3rd party SLAM system. We suggest you use Spatial Intelligence SDK from SLAMCORE.




    Yu Chern

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