Samuel Vc97

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Latest activity by Samuel Vc97
  • Samuel Vc97 commented,

    Hello Jesus,  Thank you very much. I will try your suggestions in the following days and get back to you with the results. Samuel.

  • Samuel Vc97 commented,

    Hello, I followed the instructions detailed on the Github issue #1408 and copied the 99-realsense-libusb.rules file into the folder. However when i try to launch the realsense-viewer i get the same...

  • Samuel Vc97 commented,

    Hello Munesh, I will try to apply the method suggested to solve the missing .rules file issue and get back to you as soon as i have some results. Thank you, Samuel.

  • Samuel Vc97 commented,

    Hello Zulkifli,  Thank you for your answer, but i only tried to convert the bag file into images to test the rs-convert tool. The initial goal is to convert the bag files into .ply or point cloud f...

  • Samuel Vc97 commented,

    Hello Munesh,  I Intalled the SDK following the instructions detailed on Odroid installation and it completed succesfully. However when i try to launch the viewer with realsense-viewer i get the er...

  • Samuel Vc97 created a post,

    rs-convert tool has no output from L515 .bag file.

    Hello,  I am trying to use de rs-convert tool to convert a .bag file recorded from the realsense-viewer and the L515 camera into a .ply file by running: rs-convert -i test.bag -l /Desktop/rosbag Af...

  • Samuel Vc97 commented,

    Hello Jesus,    Yes, i still need help on this issue. I apologize for the long time to respond, i actually made a mistake and responded to you by e-mail.   I can't answer those questions right now ...

  • Samuel Vc97 created a post,

    uvc streamer error on Odroid XU4

    Hello,  I have been trying to record a .bag file for RGBD point clouds using the Realsense L515 Camera. I have had some success using the following commands: Terminal #1: roslaunch realsense2_camer...