F Ricardo Auto

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Latest activity by F Ricardo Auto
  • F Ricardo Auto commented,

    Hello MartyG Just to let you know that we finally find a way to obtain the parameters. After a calibration with the Dynamic Calibrator, ask through the Python SDK: depth_intrinsics = depth_profile....

  • F Ricardo Auto commented,

    Hello MartyG  Thank you very much for your answer, but I still have the same problem, I need the parameters of the calibration, because we are working on an uncertainty analysis of a robotic system...

  • F Ricardo Auto created a post,

    Where does Dynamic Calibrator update the parameters

    Hello. I am working with a D405. I installed the Dynamic Calibration Tool, and ran it once, everything goes perfect, but I notice that the calibration after the process was the same than before (re...

  • F Ricardo Auto commented,

    Hello MartyG We are not using alignment, after enable both streams, we take color frame and depth frame and does not apply alignment. Should we do it?? I read a previous post about this and underst...

  • F Ricardo Auto commented,

    Hello MartyG, thank you very much for the help... About the accuracy of the measurements, the problem was with the intrinsic matrix, I ran the Dynamic Calibrator twice, once on the mobile App patte...

  • F Ricardo Auto created a post,

    Depth maps

    Hello. We are working with a D405 camera and having problems with depth measurement due to the poor surface texture. Looking at the RealSense software and using Python with deprojection method and ...

  • F Ricardo Auto created a post,

    How can I create the depth_frame using RealSense SDK (Camera D405)

    Hello I am having a holes problem in the depth_frame received from the SDK, because of the brightness in the surface. I use the two infrarred sensor to build the disparity map with openCV but the r...